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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Looking for a Last Minute (green) Holiday Gift?

Have you ever walked or driven past a tree and thought to yourself, “What a wonderful addition to this neighborhood?”

In many ways trees define who we are as people. We climb them, watch their leaves change and sometimes even pick their fruit.

Trees are also about more than aesthetics; they help clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change. Trees also help replenish the soil and reduce the amount of sediment that runs into our local rivers when it rains.

There is no denying it, without trees the world wouldn’t be the same.

One of the Stormwater Program’s partners, TreePeople, is providing the opportunity for individuals to contribute to the local community by dedicating the planting of a new tree.

That’s right: with just a small donation you can help TreePeople plant a tree in Los Angeles in the name of whatever or whomever you would like.

There is simply no denying it, the more trees that are planted the better off the environment is in our city.

So visit their site to learn more about TreePeople and the opportunity to contribute something tangible to a local neighborhood in need of a tree.

(*Photo courtesy of TreePeople.)

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